Silver traditional jewelry oman
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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Silver is often termed as poor man’s gold, but as a semi precious metal, silver has its own importance. Countries have been maintaining the silver standard for monetary purposes for a long time along with the gold standard. Silver is not too expensive and as such silver utensils, silver jewelry, and other decorative items made of silver are very popular among the middle class families in India and similar developing countries. Silver is also used for ornamentation of popular deities and for many industrial purposes too. Silver jewelry is very popular among the middle class people of India and the students chiefly due to their affordability.
Silver jewelry in India includes many items. Rings, pendants, chains, silver necklaces, bracelets, ear rings, bangles, and anklets are the usual silver jewelry items found in countless silver jewelry shops in India. Most of the times, the silver items are combined with some other metal or precious stones for a much more remarkable effect. Being very flexible, silver can be used to make jewelry with intricate designs, much like gold. Silver jewelry thus features as much variety as gold. Silver jewelry has some other uses too. Silver is an excellent choice for astrological rings and pendants.
Silver jewelry is found all over India. However, Delhi, Mumbai and Jaipur are the cities known for an amazing variety of silver jewelry. Hyderabad and Lucknow are also famous for intricate silver jewelry. a silver content as high as 85 per cent.
posted by DSLR MASTER @ 10:13 AM